Probabilistic Risk Analysis of a Substation

Substations and circuits are a critical part of the electric grid. These are highly complex systems, with an intricate mix of circuit breakers, relays, switches, buswork, towers, poles, and conductors. For many organizations, the management of these assets is performed reactively, or by pre-formulated schedule. ATS can help utilities built smarter asset models that enable predictive asset management to reduce failure risks before they occur.

Wildfire Data Science

Our cutting edge ATS Wildfire Risk Analysis and Management (AWRAM) platform offers a comprehensive capability for assessing current wildfire mitigations and recommending optimal strategies for future wildfire management.

Risk Analysis

Our Artificial Intelligence-based Probabilistic Risk Analysis (AI-PRA) platform enables optimized asset management of complex engineered systems, while minimizing system risk costs.

Case Studies

Unveiling the Power of ATS

Case Study 1

Probabilistic Risk Analysis of a Substation

Case Study 2

Predictive Asset Management

power plant

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Aerospace Technical Services is dedicated to enhancing mission success across industries by providing cutting-edge data analysis, asset management, and risk management solutions, grounded in integrity, innovation, and customer satisfaction.